私たちはいつも、眠り続けている「経済的資源の還流」に着目しています。 その結果、地下資源である「GOLD」と類似する、「古陶磁器」にスポットライトをあてました。 特徴的な中国の古陶磁器は、時の皇帝に献上する「極上品」から、海外交易で富を上げるための日常品まで、様々な品々が中国各地で作られました。
We are always focusing on the ``reflux of economic resources'' that remains dormant. As a result, we focused the spotlight on ``old ceramics,'' which are similar to the underground resource ``GOLD.'' A variety of distinctive ancient Chinese ceramics were made in various parts of China, from the ``excellent quality'' presented to emperors of the time to everyday items used to increase wealth through overseas trade. This flow created a large-scale commercial flow and blossomed into a great ``ceramic culture'' in China.

The old ceramics'' that we focused on were the
excellent pieces'' that were presented to the emperor.
These wonderful pieces of ancient porcelain were displayed in the Forbidden City for hundreds of years and were admired by generations of emperors.
Times have changed, and many "excellent" items have been exported to England and Japan, and have been languishing in the warehouses of antique ceramics collectors.
By disclosing excellent products'' to today's open society, it is possible to
recycle economic resources.''
We thought that this would also lead to ``redistribution of wealth.''

The hurdle that had to be overcome was determining the authenticity of the "best quality" products.
To achieve this, it was necessary to make full use of sound judgment and modern technology, and a collaboration project between China and Japan was called for.
Thankfully, the invisible hand of God has opened a way for us to reflux economic resources'' and
redistribute wealth.''
As a result, we have decided to start a new project, ``Chinese Ancient Ceramics.''